For ages 6-13, a very inexpensive alternative robot camp would be our pre-engineering camps. T-slotted aluminum parts. Easier to obtain parts. Camp would be around 2 hours.

  • Materials:

    • 10-20 kids

    • 3 wrenches

    • 20-30 ft of 80/20

    • Nuts and bolts (A healthy amount)

    • 20 wheels

  • Introduction get to know names and grades

  • Why did you want to do this/ how did you hear about this?

  • Give a little information about who we are and what we do/ our story

  • Then show the kids the game animation

  • Then they get to draw/design their own robot on paper

  • BREAK TIME (workshop tour)

  • Have the kids discuss/share their robot they designed

  • Then build the robots you designed with the 80/20 pieces

  • Towards the end have everyone talk about their robots

  • For the conclusion, have the kids share their takeaways